1.5 parts Knob Creek® Rye
0.75 part amontillado sherry
0.75 part stone fruit shrub (apricot, white peach, nectarine)
0.5 part fresh lemon juice
3 dashes orange bitters
2 dashes saline solution
Cocktail created by Alexander Gondzioulis, for the NSW regional finals of The Perfect Blend cocktail competition, Oceania 2017.
1.5 parts Knob Creek® Rye
0.75 part amontillado sherry
0.75 part stone fruit shrub (apricot, white peach, nectarine)
0.5 part fresh lemon juice
3 dashes orange bitters
2 dashes saline solution
Dried apricot slices
Old fashioned
Introducing the creator of Above The Fold, Alexander Gondzioulis. Alexander is an apprentice category finalist in The Perfect Blend Cocktail competition 2017 from NSW, Australia.