Garden Grove

Cocktail created by Billy Phillips, for the WA regional finals of The Perfect Blend cocktail competition, Oceania 2017.

  • Ingredients

    50ml Laphroaig® 10 Year Old

    30ml PX vinegar & fig shrub

    5ml Fernet Branca

    10ml Dry Orange Curacao Liqueur

    2 dashes black walnut bitters

    mist Laphroaig® 10 Year Old

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    Fig & rosemary


    Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a double old-fashioned. Mist the glass with Laphroaig® 10 Year Old and garnish with fig & rosemary.


    Double old fashioned

    Billy Phillips

    Introducing the creator of Garden Grove, Billy Phillips. Billy is a professional category finalist in The Perfect Blend Cocktail competition 2017 from WA, Australia.